Thursday, 6 August 2009
Monday, 29 June 2009
A Huge Challenge!

Yep - that says LONDON ... as David said when I rang him, you mean London, as in England?!
So the challenge? Well, the London Marathon is a huge event, and not that easy to gain entry so it looks like I'm going to have to attempt it ... whether by running or walking *gulp* ... whatever the case, I'm going to London - a much dreamed about, "one day" dream :) :)
Righty ... on to the purpose of this blog! I can't believe how busy I've been since I last posted, just before I went to Australia for Convention, which seems a long long time ago! I actually have a freeish week this week, so hopefully I might even post here a few times before my nutty couple of weeks of each month starts again.
Saturday night, I felt like stamping rather than knitting or stitching which is what I usually do while sitting my tired self in front of the TV, so I printed out a few challenges - hopefully I'll work on the others during this week - and did my ask one of my girls to choose for me so I don't have to think so hard, Charlotte chose Makeesha's Challenge and the new Flower Fancy stamp set. The hardest part of this challenge was the fact I'd looked at Karen Thoma's card earlier on and I couldn't get it out of my head, but didn't want to copy it! I think it is similar ... but different as well, thank you for the inspiration Karen - I think! LOL
Ugggg I have a new camera (okay not that new, but shows how long it is since I posted anything!) and can't work out how to rotate the image - so you'll have to look sideways for now! I might try and work it out later and change it around.
Hopefully you'll see more of me this week! Stay warm and enjoy all that crafting :)
Monday, 27 April 2009
Convention Swaps?
I'm going to drop the little box on her doorstep sometime today ... I know she'll love it :)
Now, can you see the little pink buttons? (see, this IS related to convention swaps in a round-about way), I took a close up photo of them as well. That is the flower from the Always stamp set, stamped on shrinky stuff, holes punched, heated and shrunk - aren't they cute! ... I was supposed to buy some yesterday and never got near a button kind of shop. Then, as I was stamping about 60 of these flowers (okay, Rhiannon was stamping them), and thinking of the joys of cutting them all out, I thought 0h, button! and it worked! (love it when an idea works ;)).
Monday, 20 April 2009
Cricket Thank You ... and Stefano
Anyway - thank you cards! one of the parents got the job of taking some team photos, turns out her battery went flat and she got only one photo - eeekk! But it was the best photo - really captures their personalities. I went and got three printed and made cards out of them for the boys to sign and give to the Manager, Coach and Scorer. The Just Cricket set is probaby one not used a whole lot, but perfect for what I needed.
I used kraft card, folded a whole A4 in half, stamps red caps and versamarked the bat and ball over one whole side, folded that in half and centred the backed photo on top (that way it can be folded back and put in an album later on. Then stamped Thank You on the inside in red, and versamarked the caps, ball and bats again - so the boys could write over the top. Stamped out the cap, bats and ball on white and cut them out and added them to the front corner - actually a very simple card, but effective!
While David took the family to the cricket prizegiving and end of season BBQ, I met up with my sisters for a 10km run ... and look who we saw while we were there! My younger sisters are wayyy braver than me, they were quite happy to go on up to him and ask for a photo, we all had quite a nice chat too ... apparently Barbara is the one we should vote for ;)

Monday, 13 April 2009
Mojo Monday #81

I've used my pens for the stamping, rather than inkpads, so I could use the two colours on two of the images ... I love how our stamp sets all co-ordinate so nicely!
Sunday, 12 April 2009
Kwernerdesign Colour Inspiration #49

I got out my uninked Eastern Blooms for this, I got these at the end of the Summer Catalogue, I spent the whole three months after making myself choose just one flower set from the mini wishing I'd got this one too, so finally decided to just do it ... and then was doubly pleased that it made it into the new 2009/2010 Idea Catalogue.
Anyway - I had the hardest time making this card, this is nothing like I envisaged to start with! I've had the idea for the vase for quite a while ... and am hanging out for my new eyelet punch to try it with. As you can see from my old papers - I'm still waiting for my April 1st order *sniff sniff* it'll be Tuesday before it arrives now!
It's been a lovely long weekend so far - my husband's job this weekend is to rebuild our back fence that got blown over nearly a year ago by a mini twister that went through our yard, he spent Friday doing the hard work, putting posts in, concreting them etc - tomorrow he and a friend will nail the pailings up - it'll be nice to have an enclosed backyard again!
I ran the lovely Waikanae River track, down one side and up the other, on Friday (and then felt less guilty about eating lots of chocolate! LOL) and Charlotte and I made homemade hot-cross buns. Yesterday I had fun playing with my stamps - I've been doing a couple of challenges and just generally mucking around. Today we've been watching Mr 13yo play soccer in the annual local Easter Tournament, it's been a lovely sunny weekend for it! Tomorrow I need to get serious and tidy the house and get some classes ready.
I hope you're all having a great long weekend as well :)
Tuesday, 7 April 2009
Kwernerdesign Challenge #48

I made this pretty quickly yesterday afternoon, I loved the colour combination and wanted to give it ago ... but had a workshop to pack up and get ready too! The rest of the day before the afternoon rush was spent with my two girls shopping and lunching - we had a lovely day :) The primary school had a teachers only day, the boys were still at school (at High School) ... so we decided to take advantage of the extra day and have a girls day out. The two girls now have boots and warmer clothes that fit them and are set up for the colder weather ... plus a few beads/crafty stuff that somehow found its way home from Spotlight, not sure how that happens - must be something genetic! LOL
Friday, 3 April 2009
An old Makeesha Inspiration (#5) Challenge

I used just about all retiring product for this one - I really liked the way it came out, very different from anything I usually do :)
Tuesday, 31 March 2009
Keryn's Colour Challenge No.13
Challenge No. 13 was Rose Red, Cameo Coral and Garden Green plus a neutral. I had to dig out some Garden Green, its one of those colours I just don't seem to use - not sure why, its not that I don't like it - I just never seem to have a need to use it!
The I've used two stamp sets from the set "Echoes of Kindness" a Level 2 set that will be available in the new catalogue - tomorrow! I water coloured the main image and then water spritzed the flower behind the words.
Sooooo basket is fixed, last of my deliveries of the month to do which will take a few hours along with yesterdays ... roll on tomorrow when I start my "quiet" couple of weeks ;)
Sunday, 29 March 2009
Mojo Monday Week 79
You know you are busy when ...
I finally got time to sit at my craft table last night for a couple of hours ... I had to tidy it off first, it was a disaster area, so I cleaned it off, put things back where they should be and got my NEW stuff out and put that away ... ahhhhhhh ... better than ... well, better than the work and running around I've been doing the last couple of weeks for sure!
The KWerner Design challenge was perfect colours for the "Good Friends" set that is a new one in the new 2009/2010 Ideas Catalogue ... it didn't really come together as easily or as well as I'd like, but its a fun image, and fun colours.

I'm expecting a quieter week this week - so hopefully it won't take another two weeks to update here again :)
Tuesday, 17 March 2009
Mojo Monday Week 77 - a week late :)

Saturday, 14 March 2009
Kwernerdesign Colour Inspiration #45

Sorry, short and sweet - busy (and early start) day tomorrow, so I need to get to bed and try and catch up on some sleep!
Friday, 6 March 2009
Mojo Monday # 76

Kwerner Design Colour Inspiration #44

This came together surprisingly easily - as I said above, I only had a couple of pieces of Berry Bliss left, being a couple of the sheet I've used (the white with brown dots and pink stars), I find with most of my packs of paper there are one or two sheets I don't use and always have left over .. this was one of them - but why I ask? The paper worked so well - I saw the stars and thought perfect opportunity to use the In the Stars stamp set from the Summer Catalogue - with all the hype of the retiring list, don't forget these are still available this month, and might never be seen again!
Pretty self explanatory - I've used Berry Bliss paper, Close to Cocoa and Chocolate Chip card, I've stamped the two stars in Pretty in Pink and Close to Cocoa, punched one out and cut the other and then stuck to them to contrasting card and cut around them again. Chocolate Chip wide grograin ribbon, and pink taffeta ribbon and then the stars stuck on with dimensionals. I also had the Mojo Monday sketch in front of me and liked the greeting with dots either side, so used that concept on this card as well.
... next post is Mojo Monday :)
Tuesday, 3 March 2009
KWernerDesigns - Colour Inspiration #43 + Retirement List

I've used one of my favourite sets that is retiring - Looks Like Spring. I actually stamped out four flowers with the idea of a having them over the whole card, but I just couldn't get it look right, I'm still not totally happy - but one definitely looked better than four.
Check back tomorrow - I'm hoping to do the Mojo Monday challenge with a set I'm hoping makes the new catalogue!
Wednesday, 18 February 2009
Homework Books
Rhiannon's I used the now retired Holiday Harmony set (still one of my favourites), I've gold embossed the swirls on hers and added Artichoke butterflies.
Charlotte picked out the only blue she could find - from the Bali Breeze set. For her's I added pink swirls and pink/blue butterflies.
I'm not sure that the butterflies will last long, anything raised that is pulled in and out of a box of books at school doesn't hold much hope really, if they come off I'll replace them and stick them flat and re modge podge the top :)
Tuesday, 17 February 2009
SCS Scrapbook Sketch Challenge #176
Monday, 16 February 2009
Kwerner Colour Inspiration #41

This came together surprisingly fast! I used my favourite heart (one of my few hearts, I'm drooling over "A Happy Heart" in the Summer Mini though, not one that really caught my attention straight away, but as happens ... now I MUST have LOL). Anyway, I used the Heart from the Always set that was available in the Spring Mini - one set I'm really hoping will make it into the new big catalogue, definitely one of my favourite sets. I'm also looking forward to having the Riding Hood Red - I like the Real Red ... but I have a feeling Riding Hood Red is going to become one of my fast favourites :)
Onto the card ... I white embossed the heart image onto the red card and cut that out, stuck it onto the black card and cut it out again (actually I stuck it onto the grey and cut it, didn't like it and THEN stuck it onto the black). I stamped the Basic Grey card with one of the small flowers from the set with Basic Grey ink. I ran the black card through my cuttlebug to get the embossed image (I made two cards the same, one piece of black cuttlebugged card was enough for the two cards). Stuck the black onto the red, wrapped the Red grograin ribbon around, stuck all of that onto the grey and then the heart on top with dimensional dots, I then used rub-ons for the greeting - quite a basic, but effective, card :)
Now, the funny story. Josh (14yo) had his girlfriend here yesterday when I finished the two cards, so I called him out (of his bedroom that I'm continuously walking past and pushing the door open, or just happening to have to go in every now and again to ask something!) and gave him the card to give to Emma (cuz much to my disgust he hadn't done anything for Valentines ;)), so he gave it to her, and she handed it back and said well, you have to write in it too! LOL ... he's a romantic boy that one ...
I think reality really is going to set in this week ... it is the start of the two weeks/month I spend helping Dad with his delivering (he has a contract to deliver all the local power bills and I'm doing more and more of them as he slowly admits he IS getting older), my workshops/classes are taking off again for the year ... so it will be a busy week and I'm thinking the start of the usual years busyiness that always seems to happen no matter how I start every year saying THIS is the year we slow down a bit! Oh well, its busy, but I really enjoy everything I do so that is just the way it is, I plan to enjoy the ride :)
Friday, 13 February 2009
Always Time for You
Very simple card - the sketch is cased from the US Catalogue, nice and simple :) I water coloured the Bike image and added a wee bit of Dazzling Diamonds to add sparkle to the flowers. I've used some of the Fall Flowers DSP from my scrap box (can you tell I've been trying to work through some of those scraps lately?) and gone with the lovely two toned blue look of Soft Sky and Blue Bayou together, I love the look of the two blues and haven't used the combination nearly enough ... especially as these will only be available until end of March which is creeping up fast!
Thursday, 12 February 2009
Scrapbook Page - 1st School Photo
Wednesday, 11 February 2009
Mojo Monday - Week 73
There is a "Card Drive" happening - if you feel like helping in some little way, make a card that will be sent to victims so they know they are being thought of - I've just searched and searched for a direct email/address you can send these to and can't find one! But the NZSU Blog has an email address if you want to find out more details.
Right, onto Mojo Monday :)

I fiddled for a while to get the scallops just right - and really they are "close to" just right ;) ... but I did manage to get a reasonable rectangle with my new favourite tool, the scallop edge punch. I actually put all the square etc together before deciding what stamp set I was going to use. Once I had all that together, the Priceless set just seemed the right one, so that is what I used! I've added a wee bit of Dazzling Diamonds to the butterflies and put one of the lovely silver brads from the Silver Hodge Podge set to hold down the ribbon. I've white embossed the "So Kind" words. And just for once, I love how this card came together and turned out!
Tuesday, 10 February 2009
US Catalogue CASE for Blair
This is another CASE from the American Catalogue, had to change the colours slightly, as they had used the new in-colours, and I didn't have quite the same stamps ... but basically it was the same ... and worked well for a masculine card (although my delightful children tell me - after I'd made the card - that the Turquoise Blue is a girly blue, thanks darlings!).
I've used Tempting Turquoise for the base, a snowflake from the small snowflake set for the background stamp and Big Bold Birthday for the other images. Whisper White for the main images and So Saffron for backing the white. This was a nice straight forward one to make - but quite effective.
Monday, 9 February 2009
US Catalogue CASE for Melanie
The new US catalogue has just come out, and not only is it full of goodies, but like ours, its full of great samples as well! I'm not sure whether its a sign of the times or just my style (I'm not sure I have a style quite honestly, but right now I am liking simple, clear lines) - but I went through the catalogue and founds lots and lots that I wanted to copy/try doing similar and Friday afternoon I had some time and cards that needed to be made to try a couple of them.
First up is Birthday card for Melanie, my niece who is turning 25yo in August, her partner was 25yo a week or so ago though, so they had a combined party :) (as an aside, how did I become old enough to have a 25yo niece??? having said that, my youngest brother just turned 28yo - so he must be wondering that even more! LOL).
Anyway, on to the card - the sample in the catalogue had a cute little vase and flowers, which we don't have so I used the flower from Embrace Life and just slightly water coloured it with Pale Plum. The main card is Sahara Sand, Confetti White for the flowers and other white accents, Chocolate Chip card and ink and Sage Shadow to back the image. I used my Happy Everything for the greeting ... not quite right, but the best I had!
Sunday, 8 February 2009
NZSU Sites February Challenge
NZ Stampin' Up Blog - Click here
Instructions for "Cami Fold Card" - Click here
Saturday, 7 February 2009
Kwernerdesign Colour Inspiration #40

I hunted through my scraps of DSP and found a couple to match, and admit I also cut into a couple of whole pieces just for those small strips, well, just because the colour was right and I had to ;) I white embossed the first image of the flower onto Olive Green, and also the More Mustard last one. The middle one I have stamped Taken with Teal onto white and cut out. I think the rest is self-explanatory. I quite like the finished result - quite different, but a lot of fun to put together!
I need to go make some yummy chocolate eclairs to take with me later ... have to make double, the rest of family don't want to drive all the way to Wanganui (and secretly, I'm quite pleased, I don't mind going on my own) to my niece's party, so I will leave them with some eclairs to sweeten them up, and take a batch with me :)
Friday, 6 February 2009
Mojo Monday #72
I used the Embrace Life set, and the Ginger Blossom papers ... again. these are definitely my two favourites at the moment! I also dug into my Pretties kit, I really do have to make myself use all those lovely goodies, I'm terrible at "saving" them ... it's not like I can't order more when I run out!