Before I start Mojo'ing ... I have been shocked and saddened, as we all have I am sure, of the horrible bush fires and the trauma of them over in Victoria, Australia. Very good friends of my in-laws have lost everything - they had five minutes warning which wasn't enough time to grab all the special things we imagine we'll have time to take, they just had to get out - thankfully, unhurt - but it is hard to imagine the horror of being in that situation (as an aside, these friends were made when they were billeted with my husband's family to recover after surviving the Wahine Disaster, two disasters in one lifetime is definitely two too many).
There is a "Card Drive" happening - if you feel like helping in some little way, make a card that will be sent to victims so they know they are being thought of - I've just searched and searched for a direct email/address you can send these to and can't find one! But the
NZSU Blog has an email address if you want to find out more details.
Right, onto
Mojo Monday :)

I really enjoyed putting this one together, as soon as I saw the strip I knew I'd be using my double stitched Rose Red ribbon, so the rest of the card came together around that. I pulled out my Rose Red papers, and chose the poka dots image and then went to my colour wheel to find a complimentary colour to go with the Rose Red - it gave me Garden Green - a colour I very rarely use (I think because I just love the Old Olive and continuously use that) ... so Garden Green is what I went with - along with some white to go with the white stitches in the ribbon.
I fiddled for a while to get the scallops just right - and really they are "close to" just right ;) ... but I did manage to get a reasonable rectangle with my new favourite tool, the scallop edge punch. I actually put all the square etc together before deciding what stamp set I was going to use. Once I had all that together, the Priceless set just seemed the right one, so that is what I used! I've added a wee bit of Dazzling Diamonds to the butterflies and put one of the lovely silver brads from the Silver Hodge Podge set to hold down the ribbon. I've white embossed the "So Kind" words. And just for once, I love how this card came together and turned out!
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