Anyway - thank you cards! one of the parents got the job of taking some team photos, turns out her battery went flat and she got only one photo - eeekk! But it was the best photo - really captures their personalities. I went and got three printed and made cards out of them for the boys to sign and give to the Manager, Coach and Scorer. The Just Cricket set is probaby one not used a whole lot, but perfect for what I needed.
I used kraft card, folded a whole A4 in half, stamps red caps and versamarked the bat and ball over one whole side, folded that in half and centred the backed photo on top (that way it can be folded back and put in an album later on. Then stamped Thank You on the inside in red, and versamarked the caps, ball and bats again - so the boys could write over the top. Stamped out the cap, bats and ball on white and cut them out and added them to the front corner - actually a very simple card, but effective!
While David took the family to the cricket prizegiving and end of season BBQ, I met up with my sisters for a 10km run ... and look who we saw while we were there! My younger sisters are wayyy braver than me, they were quite happy to go on up to him and ask for a photo, we all had quite a nice chat too ... apparently Barbara is the one we should vote for ;)

(BTW, I had one other sister there too - she went off to her car to change and missed the photo op - she was gutted! LOL).
Right, off to tidy and prepare for a class tonight :)
OK, great job with the card, but a 10K RUN???!!! WOW - that makes you a super-hero in my books! Looking forward to catching up with you next week - YIPPEE!!
Thank you for missing my blogging - so lovely that someone noticed.. {SOB}!!
Hope your class prep went well, and have fun today!
Yep, I'm with you - 50 swaps yet to be made (although the design HAS been done) and I sat & watched just like you. I did intend to do the cards while watching... hmmm.
See you Friday!!
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